Program (CEST -2)

Data Center Changemakers Iceland – Episode 1
Live talk show with the people who will change the face of the data center industry, hosted by Sigríður Mogensen.
The Data Center Ecosystem in Iceland
✅ Energy, connectivity, sustainability & community
Guests: Björn Brynjúlfsson (Chairman, Data Centers in Iceland), Þorvarður Sveinsson (CEO, Farice), Haraldur Hallgrímsson (Director of Business Development, Landsvirkjun), and Íris Baldursdóttir (CEO, Snerpa Power)
Towards Sustainable Digital Infrastructure
✅ Life cycle assessment – By including the entirety of a data center’s life cycle, it is possible to keep track of where the main impacts stem from in the data center value chain. This will impact future data center design, build & operations in a way that everyone in the industry needs to understand.
✅ Embodied carbon – Between volatile international energy markets and the climate crisis, energy is a key consideration for data center sustainability. Yet, energy usage is not the only way that data centers can tackle their carbon footprint. Quite possibly it is not even the most important one. We take a close look at everything you need to know about embodied carbon & Scope 3 emissions. With special attention for the major impact the EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities will have on the entire data center value chain.
✅ Data center cooling – The Nordic data center industry turns its naturally cold climate into valuable opportunity. What can others do in the face of increasing temperatures and rising resource use, and how can Iceland continue to innovate?
Guests: Ali Moinuddin (Chief Corporate Development Officer, Uptime Institute), Sandro Gatto (Sales Business Development Manager, Vertiv), Mark Acton (Steering Committee Member, EU Code of Conduct for Data Centers & Technical Consulting Director, Future-tech), and Dr. Reynir Smári Atlason (Director of Sustainability, Creditinfo)

Huawei is a leading company within research and development. And with leading technologies, it is important that all parties adapt “readiness to change” to implement new technologies such as blockchain, AI and energy storage to have the best possible usage of renewable energies as well as make technologies such as diesel generators in data center installations obsolete.

What Does the Rapid Growth of the Data Center Industry in Iceland Mean for the Local Community?
The data center industry in Iceland has grown rapidly within a decade. Comparing the size of the population and the capacity of its data center market, the numbers are even more fascinating. Strong global focus towards sustainability and abundant supply of renewable energy in the country puts Iceland in a position to see continuing growth of the industry in the years to come. Could this be the case or are there any challenges that could impact the data center development in Reykjavik?

Based on EPI’s DCCF® – Data Centre Competence Framework, this session will offer a bird’s-eye view of 30+ different job roles in the data center industry and the competences you’ll need to fulfill these jobs.

The Uptime Institute has developed a series of reports that define a strategic and practical guide for digital infrastructure sustainability. This presentation will discuss the key elements to include in a sustainability strategy, the actions necessary for a successful implementation, and the processes required to measure progress against goals and objectives.

Building and operating data centers for a sustainable tomorrow
With data centers consuming an increase part of the planets energy resources, we all have an obligation to ensure we design, build and operate our data centers in the most efficient and sustainable way humanly possible. This session will explore various options and key metrics to track progress.

Data Center Changemakers Iceland – Episode 2
Live talk show with the people who will change the face of the data center industry, hosted by Sigríður Mogensen.
Fireside Chat: The Interconnectedness of Clean Energy, IT, and Financial Markets
✅ In this interactive keynote, Dr. Reynir Smári Atlason – Director of Sustainability at Creditinfo – will draw on his experience with the Icelandic energy sector to highlight how financial markets have opened up to low-carbon, energy-driven IT – and the myriad opportunities that accompanies them.
Data Centers by Iceland: A Closer Look at Three Industry Leaders
Part 1: Exploring the Keys to Iceland’s Success as a Data Center Hub
✅ What are the origins of the data center industry in Iceland? How has it developed? And why do you think it is worthwhile to raise awareness of Data Centers by Iceland?
Guests: Gísli Kr. (Chief Commercial Officer, atNorth), Halldór Már Sæmundsson (Chief Commercial Offer, Borealis Data Center), and Nick Dale (Executive VP of Sales, Verne Global)
Part 2: Connecting Globally, Enriching Locally
✅ Not only has the data center industry been able to contribute a new export revenue stream that capitalizes on Iceland’s inherent qualities, benefiting the economy as a whole, but they also offer high-paying jobs and partner with a vast network of local service providers, creating added-value for Iceland’s communities. How do we maintain this momentum in the face of local, regional, and global challenges, and what opportunities lie ahead?
Guests: Þröstur Helgason (Discipline Manager Electrical and IT, Mannvit), Guðbrandur R. Sigurðsson (Business Development Manager, Endor), Valdimar O. Hermannsson (Mayor of Blönduós), and Kristján Hafsteinsson (Managing Director, Responsible Compute)